I’m studying. Actually, I’m not. You see, studying vocab is where you sit in bed (or on the bus, or in the kitchen) and focus on two or three words at a time and just concentrate on the words and little else. AP studying, however, is an entirely different beast.
Doesn't my yard look like a fairy tale?
I’m studying for my AP Comparative Government and Politics test today (Mexico and Iran, today). Ironically enough, the studying was much easier to concentrate on when it was sunny outside earlier, as I just took a beach towel outside and read in the sun (always wear sunscreen, kiddies). Once it got cloudy, though, I got my camera and played with the color filters for a while, then came inside and turned on the TV so that I could multitask.
One of my favorite shows was on. Studying with the noise of the TV in the background turns into watching “What The Ancients Knew” and studying during commercials. After watching “What The Ancients Knew – Egyptians,” I realized that this was really, really not economizing my time, and so I recorded Greece and India so that I could read about the voting demographics in Mexico. (In general, the uneducated poor vote for PRI, the middle-class old people who like Catholicism vote for PAN and middle-class students vote fore PRD, in case you were wondering. Riveting, I know.)
Study-time does tend to turn into study-and-take-pictures-of-flowers-time, or study-but-also-design-a-dress-time with me. These are some pictures I took of flowers when I was doing China on Friday.
I was really glad I’d gone out and taken them on Friday, because Saturday our lawn care guys came and cut our grass – and also the lawn flowers that I love. I think that when I’m ancient and own my own house, the neighbors will hate me because I will never mow my lawn because I love it when there are flowers. I’ll say, “I know that our grass is a foot tall in places, but if I cut it, I’ll kill the dandelions!”
And eventually my yard will revert to its natural state, and I’ll start having to hunt the bears that come to live on my land. That’ll teach me, I’m sure.
Oh, by the way, Zahi Hawass made an appearance on the “What The Ancients Knew” episode on Egypt because he’s awesome.
He's on shows about Egypt all the time on History Channel, Nat Geo, Science Channel, et cetera. I would have to say that he is one of my favorite television personalities.
P. S. Happy Mother's Day.