In any case, it was a beautiful day, and after we got home from our errands, I went outside and went running. I took a meandering route, and I really have no idea how far I went. It was, however, a productive run, because I found a 9/11 memorial (I'd seen the statue and the flags, but I never realized what it was), and I found a park (which I'd driven past a gazhillion times, but never really registered), and I found a river. A creek. A stream. Whatever.
Also, I got hit on.
Picture: A young girl, hair frizzed from being crimped and then brushed and put in a ponytail. Blonde. Wearing a blue-turquise wifebeater and black yoga pants, jogging on footpath by the side of the road. Sitting on a sign for the Community College across the street are five young men wearing clothes that are, collectively, too large. One is wearing a polo shirt of a matching color to the young girl. He leaps off of the sign and runs across the road to meet her.
Jose: Hey, I see you're jogging.
Me: Yes. Yes I am.
Jose: We're wearing the same color shirt.
Me: uh-huh.
Jose: Where are you jogging to? Mind if I jog with you?
Me: Nowhere in particular, and go ahead. (note: girl maintains a rather disinterested tone, because even if Jose is kinda hot, she has a boyfriend and doesn't want the kind of guy who hits on random joggers)
Jose: So... what's your name?
Me: I'm Alice (note: girl's name is not Alice. She is a filthy liar.)
Jose: I'm Jose.
Me: Nice to meet you.
Jose: So, do you jog often?
Me: Almost every day.
Jose: Ah... Do you always come this way?
Me: Not usually, no.
Jose: Oh. Well, I live right over there (gestures largely at the community on the other side of the street from the park along which I'm running), so you can feel free to come this way any time you want.
Me: mmm.
Jose: Well, bye.
Me: See ya.
I admit, I was rather frosty to the guy, but yesterday they brought in a guest speaker to talk to us about abusive relationships, and last year we talked about date rape, and the moment this random guy crossed the street to come to talk to me, I started envisioning the cops finding my body in the river (which I found today) three weeks later.
Which would suck.
So I acted kinda frostily, and he ended up leaving me alone, and he didn't even ask me for my number.
I think I'm starting to figure out how to not accidentally flirt with strange men. Productive day, yes?