Well, my mom got married in April, and as it's now June, I've really not been expedient with getting pictures up.
But, still, here they are.
Oh, and good news -- She did, indeed, not wear a suit!

The wedding was a lot of fun, it was the first time in ages that my whole maternal family had been gathered -- I think it's been six years, since Uncle Art's wedding to Aunt Shannon. As such, it was the first time I'd ever met little Jillian. She's adorable, and possibly more mature at three than Rick was at twelve (now thirteen). I also got to see my cousins Luke and Logan. Logan is now about ten feet taller than I am, and Luke has gotten enormous as well :D

This is Jason's mother, Grammy (not her real name, obviously, just what we call her). She's as sweet as anything, and a lot of fun besides. She lives in a DC suburb, and we like her a lot. She likes the victorians like I do. Also in the picture (duh): Mom and Jason.

I like this picture because Rick and Jennie are glaring at each other.

I like this one because you can see Rick's shiny little dress shoes, and my whole dress. I'd only finished it that morning ^^; Also, isn't Mom's dress nice?

Of course, no collection of wedding photos would be complete without a shot of the newlyweds traipsing down the aisle. As such:

Congratulations to Mom and Jason, even though they've been married for quite a while.
Also, because I said I would blog about it: Today for dinner, Jason made the Dinosaur Barbecue's recipe for Macaroni and Cheese Shepherd's Pie. I had two helpings -- INCLUDING THE BEEF. This is huge because I have been alive for eighteen years, and I have also been a vegetarian for that long, and as such I generally don't like meat and it makes me sick. However, I actually preferred the meat version of tonight's dish to the vegetarian version. I am proud of myself.
And proud of J&J, of course. Yes. Very nice job they did, getting married and all :D