Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This is a Very Adult Post.

Well. This is it! I am an official adult. Officially. Sure, I still can't enter a bar, but now I'm out of high school! I can finally enter "Temple University" in as part of my "education" on my facebook! Wow! My dad flew in for the ceremony, as well. We spent the past few days at Jason's place on the lake. It was the first time in years that my whole immediate family was together. Please notice how handsome our Mr. Thirteen Year Old is. Please do not notice how I am in three inch heels and still he nearly meets my height.
Picture taken by Jason

This is me and Jason, by the way.
Picture taken by Dad

Dad and Rick were both wearing Mackenzie tartan ties. Rick's is Mackenzie hunting tartan, and Dad's is Mackenzie dress tartan. Yeah. We're pretty in touch with our familial background :D They're both so handsome!
Also, we (Rick, Dad, and I) went to the mall afterwards to get batteries. Rick got a giggly hello from some girls from his school, and whispered to me in horror, "We are soooo overdressed for the mall!!! Should I have left my jacket in the car?" He's still adorable.

Photo taken by Dad

After graduation, as I mentioned, we spent some time on the lake.
We canoed a lot, and we listened to most of the original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show broadcasts (which Dad had on his laptop)
It was a good time. I would post pictures of Rick paddling, and the three of us on the dock, but that would involve finding my camera cord, which is not happening.

Additionally, thanks SO much to Laura at Rhinestone Armadillo for her shout-out the other day! I appreciated it so much!
I'm also very excited to participate in the SOA that she has going on -- my post is coming up!