Sunday, April 3, 2011


Today is a very special day. Today is a day to celebrate. Today is a day for feasting and good cheer. Today is the birthday of the ice cream sundae.

(This sundae made by JL. Wild congratulations should not be given to me for anything accomplished by his obsessive drive.)


Forgo that diet and grab some ice cream and sauce. Combine, and eat.

But eat with good cheer, and with good friends and family! Eat with twelve-year olds in muscle shirts

Eat with soon-to-be stepsisters

Eat and rejoice at the wonder that is the ice-cream sundae (allegedly invented in 1892 in Ithaca, NY)!

And that’s what I did today.
Please note that with the exception of the picture of the sundae at the top, my mom took all pictures in this post. However, they are still "mine," so please don't take them. Especially the sundae at the top. JL would be displeased.